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Pedal Power Exploration of Chinese Civilization

Source: Science and Technology Daily | 2024-07-15 10:56:24 | Author:  Staff Reporters

Dozens of teachers and students from the U.S. and China participated in the 2024 Sino-U.S. Youth Cycling Event of "Wander along Beijing Central Axis" in Beijing.
(PHOTO by Beijing People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries)

By Staff Reporters

On July 2, 31 teachers and students from the U.S. and 12 teachers and students from China participated in the 2024 Sino-U.S. Youth Cycling Event called "Wander along Beijing Central Axis".

Spanning 7.8 kilometers, the Beijing Central Axis starts in the south of the city from the Yongding Gate and ends with the Drum Tower and Bell Tower in the north.

This axis is lined with the majority of Beijing's notable historical structures.

Before the trip began, the participants climbed the Drum Tower together, learned the stories behind the cultural relics, enjoyed breathtaking drum performances and took in the magnificent scenery of the Central Axis.

The cyclists set out from the Bell and Drum Tower Cultural Square and rode south along the central axis of Beijing. Along the way, they experienced an unforgettable cultural journey, visiting Jingshan Park, Qianmen Street, Small Courtyard Meeting Hall, Yongdingmen Park and other cultural sites.

The American teenagers were all impressed by the beautiful view along the route and were amazed to see scenes of China with their own eyes what they had only seen previously in documentaries.

They also climbed up to Wanchun Pavilion in Jingshan Park, overlooking the majestic Forbidden City, and listened to the Chinese students' accounts of Chinese history.

Combining cycling with in-depth sightseeing, culture was experienced in an immersive way that allowed both the American and Chinese youth to witness the cultural charm of Beijing's central axis.

In addition, this event promoted international exchange between Chinese and American youth and fostered their friendships.

Editor: 毕炜梓

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