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Zhejiang Embarks on Data IPR Trials

Source: Science and Technology Daily | 2024-06-17 14:08:05 | Author: YU Haoyuan

By YU Haoyuan

In late May, Zhejiang province issued a guideline on deepening the reform of data intellectual property rights (IPRs) to promote high-quality development. This is China's first provincial-level policy specifically focused on data intellectual property.

Prime focus on three aspects

The document is expected to amplify the advantages of reform and empower high-quality development of the digital economy. Data, as a significant new production factor, is receiving attention across the country.

Zhejiang is at the forefront of the data IPR revolution in China. Before the policy was released, the central government issued two documents to support data IPR development in Zhejiang. Over the years, through testing and development, the province has accumulated rich experience in promoting IPRs, activating data element kinetic energy and accelerating the digital economy. The new policy will set an example for other cities.

It focuses on three aspects: improving the top-level design and consolidating the pilot experience by defining the guiding ideology, main objectives, key tasks and safeguard measures; expanding the width and depth of reform, promoting reform not only in data IPR but also in other digital fields; creating a healthy ecosystem and ensuring sustainability to realize the value of data elements.

Fostering a robust IPR ecosystem

The guideline is also meant to advance the establishment of a closed-loop system for data IPRs, widespread application of regulations, the formation of an ecological system, and reform assurance. It has 20 specific measures on areas such as value evaluation, income distribution, and financial services.

In accordance with the principle of "those who invest and contribute will benefit," Zhejiang will clarify the proportion of income distribution and the extent of rights and interests, and innovate the income distribution mechanism. Major data platforms such as China Data Valley and China (Wenzhou) Data Port will be utilized to build data intellectual property ecological pilot areas.

The goal is to have over 10,000 registered data IPRs by the end of 2024, with the value of data IPR applications surpassing five billion RMB. By the end of 2027, the first number should be 30,000 and the second 20 billion RMB.

Editor: 余昊原

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