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First Enterprises Chosen to Foster New Quality Productive Forces

Source: Science and Technology Daily | 2024-04-08 16:36:26 | Author: CHEN Chunyou

A worker oversees underground mining operations from the mine's smart control center. The coal mine utilizes 5G technology to drive intelligent upgrades, enabling unmanned, smart operations in hazardous areas.(PHOTO: VCG)

By CHEN Chunyou

The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council recently chose the first batch of leading enterprises to accelerate the layout in new domains, and spearhead the development of new quality productive forces.

The selected enterprises, mostly established within three years, are from strategic emerging and future industries, including artificial intelligence, quantum information and biomedicine. The average age of their core technical staff is around 35 years, reflecting a vibrant and innovative workforce.

This selection is the follow-up to a leading enterprise cultivation project launched by SASAC in 2023 to accelerate the cultivation of innovative state-owned enterprises. Under this mechanism, startups with strong development potential were chosen and granted autonomy, backed by preferential policies and incentives tailored to enhance their development potential.

One example is the China Telecom Quantum Information Technology Group Co., Ltd., which is accelerating the construction of a novel quantum-resistant security infrastructure, while promoting the industrialization of quantum communication and the practical application of quantum computing.

Another example is the Xi'an Coal Transparent Geological Technology Co., Ltd. It is seeking to revolutionize the traditional geological survey business with new-generation information technology, and develop large-scale model products in the vertical field of geology, to empower intelligent and eco-friendly development of the coal mining industry.

Editor: 陈春有

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